
Questões de Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension para Concursos Diversos | CONCURSO

Questões de Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension para Concursos Diversos



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Interpretação de Texto | Reading Comprehension
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(1,0) 1 - 

With the exception of business owners and investors, most Brazilians looked for candidates who prioritized job creation and income generation, in the 2018 elections. According to a Brazilian Economic Outlook from the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA), the economy sustained growth (albeit slow) for a while since the end of 2017, industrial production increased, and unemployment rates declined. Nevertheless, 13.4 million people remained jobless, particularly women, youth, and people of color; and growth rates were disappointing. A poll by Datafolha showed at the time that Brazilians’ perceptions of the economy were pessimistic: 72 percent of those surveyed felt the economic scenario had worsened in the last months. Similar to the reaction to corruption, this extremely negative perception of the socioeconomic environment could potentially further distance voters from the traditional government and their allies, turning voters toward “unconventional” candidates instead, who could represent a change in the status quo.
Idem. Ibidem (adapted).

Concerning the text presented above, judge the following items.

The authors claim that voters’ attitudes towards the economic situation at the time would lead to them identifying with candidates from traditional political parties.

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Interpretação de Texto | Reading Comprehension
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(1,0) 2 - 

With the exception of business owners and investors, most Brazilians looked for candidates who prioritized job creation and income generation, in the 2018 elections. According to a Brazilian Economic Outlook from the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA), the economy sustained growth (albeit slow) for a while since the end of 2017, industrial production increased, and unemployment rates declined. Nevertheless, 13.4 million people remained jobless, particularly women, youth, and people of color; and growth rates were disappointing. A poll by Datafolha showed at the time that Brazilians’ perceptions of the economy were pessimistic: 72 percent of those surveyed felt the economic scenario had worsened in the last months. Similar to the reaction to corruption, this extremely negative perception of the socioeconomic environment could potentially further distance voters from the traditional government and their allies, turning voters toward “unconventional” candidates instead, who could represent a change in the status quo.
Idem. Ibidem (adapted).

Concerning the text presented above, judge the following items.

The article presents data from a survey that pointed to optimism about Brazil’s economic situation.

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(1,0) 3 - 

With the exception of business owners and investors, most Brazilians looked for candidates who prioritized job creation and income generation, in the 2018 elections. According to a Brazilian Economic Outlook from the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA), the economy sustained growth (albeit slow) for a while since the end of 2017, industrial production increased, and unemployment rates declined. Nevertheless, 13.4 million people remained jobless, particularly women, youth, and people of color; and growth rates were disappointing. A poll by Datafolha showed at the time that Brazilians’ perceptions of the economy were pessimistic: 72 percent of those surveyed felt the economic scenario had worsened in the last months. Similar to the reaction to corruption, this extremely negative perception of the socioeconomic environment could potentially further distance voters from the traditional government and their allies, turning voters toward “unconventional” candidates instead, who could represent a change in the status quo.
Idem. Ibidem (adapted).

Concerning the text presented above, judge the following items.

According to the authors, unemployment in Brazil, at the time of publication, affected all gender and racial profiles equally.

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Interpretação de Texto | Reading Comprehension
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(1,0) 4 - 

With the exception of business owners and investors, most Brazilians looked for candidates who prioritized job creation and income generation, in the 2018 elections. According to a Brazilian Economic Outlook from the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA), the economy sustained growth (albeit slow) for a while since the end of 2017, industrial production increased, and unemployment rates declined. Nevertheless, 13.4 million people remained jobless, particularly women, youth, and people of color; and growth rates were disappointing. A poll by Datafolha showed at the time that Brazilians’ perceptions of the economy were pessimistic: 72 percent of those surveyed felt the economic scenario had worsened in the last months. Similar to the reaction to corruption, this extremely negative perception of the socioeconomic environment could potentially further distance voters from the traditional government and their allies, turning voters toward “unconventional” candidates instead, who could represent a change in the status quo.
Idem. Ibidem (adapted).

Concerning the text presented above, judge the following items.

When the article was published, unemployment rates in Brazil had been going down.

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Interpretação de Texto | Reading Comprehension
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(1,0) 5 - 

With the exception of business owners and investors, most Brazilians looked for candidates who prioritized job creation and income generation, in the 2018 elections. According to a Brazilian Economic Outlook from the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA), the economy sustained growth (albeit slow) for a while since the end of 2017, industrial production increased, and unemployment rates declined. Nevertheless, 13.4 million people remained jobless, particularly women, youth, and people of color; and growth rates were disappointing. A poll by Datafolha showed at the time that Brazilians’ perceptions of the economy were pessimistic: 72 percent of those surveyed felt the economic scenario had worsened in the last months. Similar to the reaction to corruption, this extremely negative perception of the socioeconomic environment could potentially further distance voters from the traditional government and their allies, turning voters toward “unconventional” candidates instead, who could represent a change in the status quo.
Idem. Ibidem (adapted).

Concerning the text presented above, judge the following items.

It can be concluded from the text that job creation was a priority for many Brazilian voters, in 2018.

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Interpretação de Texto | Reading Comprehension
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(1,0) 6 - 

Despite being the eighth largest economy in the world and the largest in Latin America, Brazil is still relatively closed compared to other large economies. Brazil is an outlier in that its trade penetration is extremely low, with trade at 24.1 percent of GDP in 2017. The number of exporters relative to the population is also very small: its absolute number of exporters is roughly the same as that of Norway, a country with approximately 5 million people compared to Brazil’s 200 million. While further integrating into the global economy could threaten uncompetitive companies and their workers, competitive businesses would most likely benefit. Brazil’s insertion would also allow the country to better leverage its competitive advantages, such as in natural resource-based industries.

Idem. Ibidem (adapted).

Judge the following items, based on the text above.

“Brazil” is the antecedent of the pronoun “its” in “its absolute number of exporters” (third sentence).

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Interpretação de Texto | Reading Comprehension
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(1,0) 7 - 

Despite being the eighth largest economy in the world and the largest in Latin America, Brazil is still relatively closed compared to other large economies. Brazil is an outlier in that its trade penetration is extremely low, with trade at 24.1 percent of GDP in 2017. The number of exporters relative to the population is also very small: its absolute number of exporters is roughly the same as that of Norway, a country with approximately 5 million people compared to Brazil’s 200 million. While further integrating into the global economy could threaten uncompetitive companies and their workers, competitive businesses would most likely benefit. Brazil’s insertion would also allow the country to better leverage its competitive advantages, such as in natural resource-based industries.

Idem. Ibidem (adapted).

Judge the following items, based on the text above.

The text cites Norway as an example of a country with a similar number of exporters and total population as Brazil.

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Interpretação de Texto | Reading Comprehension
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(1,0) 8 - 

Despite being the eighth largest economy in the world and the largest in Latin America, Brazil is still relatively closed compared to other large economies. Brazil is an outlier in that its trade penetration is extremely low, with trade at 24.1 percent of GDP in 2017. The number of exporters relative to the population is also very small: its absolute number of exporters is roughly the same as that of Norway, a country with approximately 5 million people compared to Brazil’s 200 million. While further integrating into the global economy could threaten uncompetitive companies and their workers, competitive businesses would most likely benefit. Brazil’s insertion would also allow the country to better leverage its competitive advantages, such as in natural resource-based industries.

Idem. Ibidem (adapted).

Judge the following items, based on the text above.

The authors present data that demonstrates that, when the text was written, Brazil participated in international commerce at the same level as other countries with robust economies.

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Interpretação de Texto | Reading Comprehension
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(1,0) 9 - 

Despite being the eighth largest economy in the world and the largest in Latin America, Brazil is still relatively closed compared to other large economies. Brazil is an outlier in that its trade penetration is extremely low, with trade at 24.1 percent of GDP in 2017. The number of exporters relative to the population is also very small: its absolute number of exporters is roughly the same as that of Norway, a country with approximately 5 million people compared to Brazil’s 200 million. While further integrating into the global economy could threaten uncompetitive companies and their workers, competitive businesses would most likely benefit. Brazil’s insertion would also allow the country to better leverage its competitive advantages, such as in natural resource-based industries.

Idem. Ibidem (adapted).

Judge the following items, based on the text above.

According to the text, at the time of publication, there were eight countries with economies larger than Brazil’s.

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Interpretação de Texto | Reading Comprehension
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(1,0) 10 - 

As a young democracy, Brazil has confronted economic and financial upheavals in the past. The country’s economic crisis of 2014—2017 saw a drastic fall in gross domestic product (GDP), stark rise in unemployment, a severe fiscal crisis, and an increased budget deficit. Since then, the economy has been a prominent issue in political conversations, especially regarding globalization and the ways in which trade liberalization can affect economic growth. Those running for office in 2018 differed slightly in this debate, and comparing the proposals and backgrounds of their economic advisors was as important as comparing the candidates themselves.

Lara Bartilotti Picanço, Mariana Nozela Prado & Andrew Allen.Economy and Trade — Brazil 2018 Understandingthe Issues. August 14, 2018. Internet: <> (adapted).

Considering the text above, judge the following item.

The authors of the text argue that during the 2018 election it was important for voters to learn about political candidates’ economic advisors.

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Interpretação de Texto | Reading Comprehension
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(1,0) 11 - 

As a young democracy, Brazil has confronted economic and financial upheavals in the past. The country’s economic crisis of 2014—2017 saw a drastic fall in gross domestic product (GDP), stark rise in unemployment, a severe fiscal crisis, and an increased budget deficit. Since then, the economy has been a prominent issue in political conversations, especially regarding globalization and the ways in which trade liberalization can affect economic growth. Those running for office in 2018 differed slightly in this debate, and comparing the proposals and backgrounds of their economic advisors was as important as comparing the candidates themselves.

Lara Bartilotti Picanço, Mariana Nozela Prado & Andrew Allen.Economy and Trade — Brazil 2018 Understandingthe Issues. August 14, 2018. Internet: <> (adapted).

Considering the text above, judge the following item.

The authors of the text state that, in the past, Brazil faced economic challenges.

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Interpretação de Texto | Reading Comprehension
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(1,0) 12 - 

As a young democracy, Brazil has confronted economic and financial upheavals in the past. The country’s economic crisis of 2014—2017 saw a drastic fall in gross domestic product (GDP), stark rise in unemployment, a severe fiscal crisis, and an increased budget deficit. Since then, the economy has been a prominent issue in political conversations, especially regarding globalization and the ways in which trade liberalization can affect economic growth. Those running for office in 2018 differed slightly in this debate, and comparing the proposals and backgrounds of their economic advisors was as important as comparing the candidates themselves.

Lara Bartilotti Picanço, Mariana Nozela Prado & Andrew Allen.Economy and Trade — Brazil 2018 Understandingthe Issues. August 14, 2018. Internet: <> (adapted).

Considering the text above, judge the following item.

According to the text, Brazil has a long history of democracy.

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Interpretação de Texto | Reading Comprehension
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(1,0) 13 - 

Internet: <https://www.english‐ to the text, judge the following items.

The word “thus”, in “many mothers do not breastfeed their children, thus weakening the immune system” (line 22), can, without changing its meaning, be replaced for thereby.

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Interpretação de Texto | Reading Comprehension
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(1,0) 14 - 

Internet: <https://www.english‐ to the text, judge the following items.

In “They do not have the money to afford imported food” (lines 17 and 18), “to afford” can be correctly replaced by to withdraw.

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Interpretação de Texto | Reading Comprehension
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(1,0) 15 - 

Internet: <https://www.english‐ to the text, judge the following items.

Eating disorders are the main cause of child mortality.