Os trechos a seguir constituem um texto adaptado de O Estado de S. Paulo, Editorial, 18/02/2010. Assinale a opção gramaticalmente correta.
Os trechos a seguir constituem um texto adaptado do Correio Braziliense, Editorial, 18/02/2010. Assinale a opção transcrita com erro gramatical.
Em relação às estruturas linguísticas do texto, assinale a opção correta.
Assinale a opção que ao substituir a oração sublinhada, no texto abaixo, provoca erro gramatical e/ou incoerência textual.
No texto acima, provoca-se erro gramatical ou incoerência na argumentação do texto ao
Assinale a opção incorreta a respeito das relações de concordância no texto abaixo.
Assinale a opção correta a respeito do uso das estruturas linguísticas na organização das ideias do texto.
Assinale a opção que constitui continuação coesa, coerente e gramaticalmente correta para o trecho a seguir.
O texto Raio X do mercado, de Luiz Alberto Marinho, publicado na RevistaGOL, novembro de 2009, p. 138, foi adaptado para compor os fragmentos abaixo. Numere-os, de acordo com a ordem em que devem ser dispostos para formar um texto coeso e coerente.
A sequência correta é
De acordo com as ideias do texto, assinale a afirmativa correta.Face mais cruel de qualquer período recessivo na economia, o desemprego é chaga social que propaga desalento coletivo, além de contribuir para a formação do círculo vicioso que começa com a queda do consumo, passa pela inibição da produção e termina em mais desemprego. Mas é exatamente nesse setor que as previsões mais otimistas para 2010 começam a se confirmar. Dados do Cadastro Geral de Empregados e Desempregados (Caged), divulgados pelo Ministério do Trabalho, mostram que o saldo entre a admissão e a demissão de empregados com carteira assinada somou 181.419 vagas, um recorde que deixou longe os até então festejados 142 mil empregos formais registrados em janeiro de 2008, último mês de expansão antes da crise mundial. Detalhes reforçam o otimismo quanto à continuidade desse desempenho. Em janeiro de 2010, quando 1.410.462 postos formais de trabalho foram preenchidos, a indústria de transformação voltou a dar sinais de forte retomada. O setor tinha sido o mais atingido pela recessão, mas compareceu com 68.920 contratações, 17% acima do recorde anterior, de janeiro de 2008. (Estado de Minas, Editorial, 19/02/2010, com adaptações)
Your answers to questions 41-43 must be based on the text below, which is entitled “Insolvencies/Guaranty Funds”: Insolvencies/Guaranty Funds Source: www.iii.org Feb/ 2006 (Adapted)The regulation of insurance company solvency is a function of the state. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, which allowed banks, securities firms, insurance companies and other financial services entities to affiliate and sell one another’s products, continues this practice. State regulators monitor the financial health of companies licensed to provide insurance in their state through analysis of the detailed annual fi nancial statements that insurers are required to file and periodic on-site examinations. When a company is found to be in poor financial condition, regulators can take various actions to try to save it. Insolvencies do occur, however, despite the best efforts of regulators.In relation to the monitoring of the ?nancial health of companies licensed to provide insurance, the state regulators
Financial and Market ConditionsSource: www.iii.org Jan/2006 (Adapted)Many forces affect the price, availability and security of the insurance product. Some are external, such as changes in interest rates and the stock market, regulatory activity, the number and severity of natural disasters, growth in litigation and rising medical costs. Others are internal, such as the level of competitionThe insurance industry is cyclical. Rates and profits fluctuate depending on the phase of the cycle, particularly in commercial coverages. The profitability cycle may be somewhat different for different types of insurance. While the industy as a whole experienced one of its best years in recent history in 2004 and in the first half of 2005, losses associated with Hurricane Katrina, Rita and Wilma may wipe out the profits of many insurers and force some to raise additional capital. None of the major companies are likely to become insolvent, however.In paragraph 1, the author
Financial and Market ConditionsSource: www.iii.org Jan/2006 (Adapted)Many forces affect the price, availability and security of the insurance product. Some are external, such as changes in interest rates and the stock market, regulatory activity, the number and severity of natural disasters, growth in litigation and rising medical costs. Others are internal, such as the level of competitionThe insurance industry is cyclical. Rates and profits fluctuate depending on the phase of the cycle, particularly in commercial coverages. The profitability cycle may be somewhat different for different types of insurance. While the industy as a whole experienced one of its best years in recent history in 2004 and in the first half of 2005, losses associated with Hurricane Katrina, Rita and Wilma may wipe out the profits of many insurers and force some to raise additional capital. None of the major companies are likely to become insolvent, however.In paragraph 2, the insurance industry is described as cyclical. Thus, it is characterized by elements which
Financial and Market ConditionsSource: www.iii.org Jan/2006 (Adapted)Many forces affect the price, availability and security of the insurance product. Some are external, such as changes in interest rates and the stock market, regulatory activity, the number and severity of natural disasters, growth in litigation and rising medical costs. Others are internal, such as the level of competitionThe insurance industry is cyclical. Rates and profits fluctuate depending on the phase of the cycle, particularly in commercial coverages. The profitability cycle may be somewhat different for different types of insurance. While the industy as a whole experienced one of its best years in recent history in 2004 and in the first half of 2005, losses associated with Hurricane Katrina, Rita and Wilma may wipe out the profits of many insurers and force some to raise additional capital. None of the major companies are likely to become insolvent, however.The text informs us that
The Tipping PointSource: Newsweek Special Edition Dec 2005 – Feb 2006 (Adapted)The world of tomorrow is not a world based on a supra- structure of nation-states. It is a world where business is a major shaper not only of economic developments but also of social developments; it is also a world where civil society feels deeply engaged. The only way to foster progress is to knit together the best minds, the most powerful leaders and the truly committed people to jointly define the problems, jointly propose innovative solutions and jointly engage in collaborative actions.In a new form of global governance, multi-stakeholder networks, public-private partnerships and informal alliances of different actors will be the norm rather than the exception. The legitimacy of those platforms will depend less on a traditional “representative” process and much more on ongoing public acceptance and measurable gains.Business has to play a very special role in such networks, as the generator of innovation. Of course, business has the primary motive of generating shareholder value, but it also has a great function as a social agent. Business is duty-bound to serve humankind by engaging with the other stakeholders of global society to address its challenges creatively and in a spirit of corporate global citizenshipAccording to the text,
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