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The Tipping Point
Source: Newsweek Special Edition Dec 2005 – Feb 2006 (Adapted)

The world of tomorrow is not a world based on a supra- structure of nation-states. It is a world where business is a major shaper not only of economic developments but also of social developments; it is also a world where civil society feels deeply engaged. The only way to foster progress is to knit together the best minds, the most powerful leaders and the truly committed people to jointly define the problems, jointly propose innovative solutions and jointly engage in collaborative actions.

In a new form of global governance, multi-stakeholder networks, public-private partnerships and informal alliances of different actors will be the norm rather than the exception. The legitimacy of those platforms will depend less on a traditional “representative” process and much more on ongoing public acceptance and measurable gains.

Business has to play a very special role in such networks, as the generator of innovation. Of course, business has the primary motive of generating shareholder value, but it also has a great function as a social agent. Business is duty-bound to serve humankind by engaging with the other stakeholders of global society to address its challenges creatively and in a spirit of corporate global citizenship

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