
Questões . Concursos Diversos de Palavras Conectivas | Connective Words | 222038

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Palavras Conectivas | Connective Words
. Concursos Diversos
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Read the text and choose the appropriate linking word below to fill in each gap (as, further, on the other hand, when, according to, moreover).
Review of the Literature: Importance of Active Learning
Swain (1985) avowed that language learning is more effective ______________________________the target language is used interactively, particularly in regard to understanding the language in general, and improving their reading or listening skills in particular._______________________ Ellis (1993), interaction within the classroom leads to many advantages for language learning such as comprehension checks, language practice and so on. Long and Porter (1985) found that when second language learners worked in groups, they were more motivated, took more initiative, and were less anxious concerning their learning. ______________________________, there may be a relationship between student oral participation and teachers' questioning techniques and types of classroom activities (Wei, 2008). Wei (2008) also found that students oral participation is increased if application and presentation activities are used; appropriate vocabulary is offered when students need it to continue; questions related to students' prior experiences are asked; and an informal and friendly classroom atmosphere is present. Khamwan (2007) found that after training the students to use interactional strategies _____________________ tools for initiating their interaction, their responses to the teacher's questions were longer and more meaningful. ______________________________, the average number of interaction turns was about two turns per three minutes. It was found that the students could comprehend the lesson better. They could ask their teacher when they could not understand something._________________________________, more students could respond to the teacher's questions. All above mentioned studies have supported the significance of learner's participation and interaction. Many research studies discuss the advantages of active learning techniques that can help students to initiate an interaction with their teachers and ultimately clarify unclear points to enhance their understanding of the lessons and improve creativities. [...] GHOLAMI, Valeh. Towards an Interactive EFL Class: Using Active Learning Strategies .Vol.4, No.19, 2014. (pág.190-1 91)