
Questões Câmara Municipal de Pérola D'Oeste-PR de Matérias Diversas | 167908

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Câmara Municipal de Pérola D'Oeste-PR
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In English as a Global Language (2007), David Crystal presents a lively and factual account of the rise of English as a global language.

Consider the following statements.

I – Dialects emerge because they give identi ty to the groups which own them.
II – The study of language history shows that if two social groups come to be separated only by a mountain range or a wide river, they will soon begin to develop diff erent habits of speech.
III – When a country becomes independent, there is a natural reacti on to reinforce the linguisti c character imposed by its colonial past, avoiding the indigenous language, to provide a symbol for new nati onhood.
IV – The drive for identi ty was parti cularly dominant in the second half of the twenti eth century, when the number of independent nati ons dramati cally grew, and the membership of the United Nati ons more than tripled.

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