
Questões comentadas . Concursos Diversos de Advérbios e Conjunções | Adverbs and Conjunctions | 221890

. Bancas Diversas
Advérbios e Conjunções | Adverbs and Conjunctions
. Concursos Diversos
Múltipla escolha

(1,0) 1 - 

Read the fragment below.

I- Every language requires a different repertoire of reading skills, based on the structure of the language and the literacy habits of the native speakers of that language;

II- ESL and EFL teachers, therefore, should train students in the skills that will give them the power to comprehend in English. (…) learning a new thinking process is best accomplished when the learner is consciously aware of the process, and an approach to teaching reading skills should take that into account;

III- In fact, the more students talk about their thinking processes, the more they learn. (Mikulecky, Beatrice S.)

Thinking on reading skills, analyze the context above and choose the correct option.

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