
Simulado Preposições | Prepositions | CONCURSO

Simulado Preposições | Prepositions

Simulado Preposições | Prepositions

Se você irá prestar algum concurso que cobre a matéria de Preposições | Prepositions não pode deixar de praticar com nossos simulados grátis.


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Este Simulado Preposições | Prepositions foi elaborado da seguinte forma:

  • Categoria: Concurso
  • Instituição: Diversas
  • Cargo: Diversos
  • Matéria: Preposições | Prepositions
  • Assuntos do Simulado: Diversos
  • Banca Organizadora: Diversas
  • Quantidade de Questões: 5
  • Tempo do Simulado: 15 minutos

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Questões Preposições | Prepositions

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Boa sorte e Bons Estudos,

ConcursosAZ - Aprovando de A a Z

. Bancas Diversas
Preposições | Prepositions
. Concursos Diversos
Múltipla escolha
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(1,0) 1 - 

Read the sentences below:

I. The disadvantage OF working as an actor is that you can’t find a steady job.
II. We have just received an invitation TO her wedding.
III. The greatest difference BETWEEN both restaurants is their prices.
IV. Would you like to come FOR a walk? V. She lost weight after she went ON a severe diet.

Choose the only correct option, considering the use of correct prepositions:

  • a) The prepositions are correct only in sentences I and III.
  • b) The prepositions are correct only in sentences II and III.
  • c) The prepositions are correct only in sentences III and IV.
  • d) The prepositions are correct in all the sentences.
  • e) The prepositions are incorrect in all the sentences.
. Bancas Diversas
Preposições | Prepositions
. Concursos Diversos
Múltipla escolha
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(1,0) 2 - 

Choose the alternative that fills in correctly and respectively the blanks in the sentences below with the missing preposition.

The Boomerang Nebula, a strange and extremely frigid object 5,000 light years away, gradually gives up its secrets

Space is cold. Very cold. ______ 1 fact, empty space, far ______ 2 any star or other hot object, is about -270 degrees C.

While downright frigid – a temperature low enough to freeze hydrogen ______ 3 Earth – that's still about 2.7 degrees ______ 4 absolute zero, the lowest possible temperature. The source _______ 5 those couple ________ 6 degrees is primordial: the leftover glow _______ 7 the big bang that gave birth _______ 8 our universe.

The entire cosmos is bathed ________ 9 this radiation, called the cosmic microwave background. As a result, it's hard to avoid this bit of heat, meaning that _______ 10 most of the cosmos, -270 degrees is as cold as it gets.

  • a) in 1 / of 2 / in 3 / above 4 / of 5 / on 6 / of 7 / for 8 / in 9 / of 10
  • b) in 1 / from2 / on 3 / above 4 / of 5 / of 6 / of 7 / to 8 / in 9 / in 10
  • c) in 1 / of 2 / in 3 / over 4 / for 5 / of 6 / of 7 / to 8 / on 9 / in 10
  • d) of 1 / from2 / on 3 / on 4 / of 5 / on 6 / of 7 / to 8 / over 9 / in 10
  • e) of 1 / of 2 / on 3 / above 4 / in 5 / of 6 / for 7 / for 8 / in 9 / of 10
. Bancas Diversas
Preposições | Prepositions
. Concursos Diversos
Múltipla escolha
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(1,0) 3 - 

Read the sentence below and then choose the alternative that fills in correctly the blank.

“____ October 8th , interested skywatchers should attempt to see the total eclipse of the moon and the rising sun simultaneously.”

Available in:

  • a) Of
  • b) Under
  • c) On
  • d) At
  • e) Until
. Bancas Diversas
Preposições | Prepositions
. Concursos Diversos
Múltipla escolha
Seja o primeiro a comentar

(1,0) 4 - 

Read the text below and choose the alternative that fills in correctly and respectively the blanks.

A pair ____ astronauts floated outside the International Space Station on Tuesday ____ a planned 6.5-hour spacewalk to perform maintenance work including putting an old cooling pump into storage.

Available in:

  • a) in/ of
  • b) about/ in
  • c) on/ until
  • d) for/ in
  • e) of/ for
. Bancas Diversas
Preposições | Prepositions
. Concursos Diversos
Múltipla escolha
Seja o primeiro a comentar

(1,0) 5 - 

Read the text below and choose the alternative that fills in correctly and respectively the blanks.

What Food Labels Really Mean

Walk _______ any supermarket and you’ll find rows of packaged foods boasting how healthy they are. _______ “fat-free” to “natural” _______ “helps your immune system”, front-ofthe-box labels may give the appearance _______ good nutrition, but the reality is a bit more complicated. Unlike the Nutrition Facts panel, which is tightly regulated, front-of-the-package food labels aren’t as closely monitored. ________ addition, food companies tend ________ “stretch the envelope” of what’s permitted, says Marion Nestle, professor of nutrition, food studies, and public health _________ New York University. The result, she says: “Many of the health claims you see are misleading.”

Available in: http://health.usnews.comnews

  • a) into/ from/ to/ of/ in/ to/ at
  • b) at/ from/ of/ to/ in/ into/ from
  • c) into/ of/ in/ from/ into/ at/ to
  • d) of/ into/ to/ from/ at/ to/ from
  • e) in/ at/ to/ by/ to/ into/ of