Simulado Inglês | CONCURSO
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O Simulado Inglês contém um total de 10 questões de com um tempo estimado de 30 minutos para sua realização. Os assuntos abordados são de Inglês, Assuntos Diversos para que você possa realmente simular como estão seus conhecimento no Concursos Diversos.
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- #211945
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(1,0) 1 -
Those who came to the poll were:
- a) all Brazilian citizens;
- b) the poorest families only;
- c) Rio inhabitants in general;
- d) Rio inhabitants in general;
- e) mostly social workers.
- #211947
- Banca
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- Inglês
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(1,0) 2 -
should in "to which the next mayor should give priority" (l. 30/31) expresses a(n):
- a) obligation;
- b) possibility;
- c) prohibition;
- d) recommendation;
- e) permission.
- #211950
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(1,0) 3 -
The main purpose of the text is to:
- a) criticize the significant rise in production costs of gas in Brazil.
- b) list the advantages and disadvantages of the changing profile of gas supply.
- c) discuss relevant issues in the use of gas as a primary energy resource in Brazil.
- d) recommend the need for intensification of competition and greater diversification of primary energy sources.
- e) evaluate all the current environmental restrictions adopted in the world's principal energy-consuming markets.
- #211954
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(1,0) 4 -
According to the author, the world gas industry, since the late 80s, has:
- a) maintained a local focus and faced huge losses.
- b) felt the need to resort to traditional power generation mechanisms.
- c) become a less competitive market due to the rising competition of biofuels.
- d) suffered changes in both the structure of the industry and the norms that regulate it.
- e) banned the internationalization of its activities in search for higher national economic advantages.
- #211958
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(1,0) 5 -
In Brazil, the gas industry can currently be considered:
- a) a segment growing at a slow rate, despite the forecast of a few prospective investments in the area.
- b) a promising economic segment that has recently exceeded results of more traditional markets.
- c) more mature than the Argentinian gas industry, yet not as profitable.
- d) feasible, as it requires no investment in transport and distribution.
- e) potentially weak in terms of national demands for its growth.
- #211962
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- Inglês
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(1,0) 6 -
Mark the only correct statement.
- a) "this change" (line 4) refers to "reasons" (line 4).
- b) "that of" (line 26) refers to "years" (line 26).
- c) "its" (line 42) refers to "industry" (line 39).
- d) "The latter" (line 47) refers to "gas produced domestically" (lines 45-46).
- e) "This" (line 53) refers to "(E&P) sector equipment" (line 56).
- #211964
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- Inglês
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(1,0) 7 -
According to the text, which of the following is NOT going to be a problem for the future of the gas industry in Brazil?
- a) The need for Bolivian imports and the domestic offshore gas sources.
- b) The need for intense capital investments to expand the distribution networks.
- c) The restricted transportation network and its concentration along the Brazilian coastline.
- d) The increased competition in the world market, which can easily stifle the sector in Brazil.
- e) The interest of Brazilian authorities in developing alternative energy sources including biofuels and natural gas.
- #211966
- Banca
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- Inglês
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- . Concursos Diversos
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- Múltipla escolha
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(1,0) 8 -
Choose the only alternative that corresponds in meaning to the following sentence in Paragraph 5 "Given the degree of gas penetration in the country's primary energy consumption, the industry is poorly developed when compared with other countries." (lines 36 - 39).
- a) The Brazilian gas industry is less developed in relation to that of other countries if one considers the share of gas in Brazilian primary energy consumption.
- b) The Brazilian government gives large incentives for an increased penetration of primary energy sources in the market.
- c) The degree of industrial development in Brazil is poor and requires alternative primary energy sources from other countries.
- d) The poor development of the gas industry in other countries results in a lower share in primary energy consumption.
- e) The gas penetration in Brazilian primary energy consumption reveals a poorly developed country.
- #211968
- Banca
- . Bancas Diversas
- Matéria
- Inglês
- Concurso
- . Concursos Diversos
- Tipo
- Múltipla escolha
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(1,0) 9 -
Check the only correct option.
- a) "depletion" (line 9) means the same as abundance.
- b) "forecast" (line 13) and backcast are perfect antonyms.
- c) "set against" (line 30) and set forth have equivalent meanings.
- d) "to date" (line 46) and until now have the same meanings.
- e) "feasible" (line 49) means unlikely.
- #211970
- Banca
- . Bancas Diversas
- Matéria
- Inglês
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- . Concursos Diversos
- Tipo
- Múltipla escolha
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(1,0) 10 -
According to Paragraph 6 (lines 44 - 59), it is correct to state that:
- a) production costs will not affect end-consumer prices in the gas industry.
- b) the need for drilling rigs and other equipment for exploring gas are not major concerns for the Brazilian gas industry.
- c) the most recently found sources of gas have the advantage of being associated with oil exploration and production.
- d) the production of gas in Brazil has, until recently, been separated from the production of oil and has thus been economically advantageous.
- e) heavy investment in a gas-dedicated structure will be the major drawback for the exploration and production of the recently found gas supplies.