
Simulado Caso genitivo | Genitive case | CONCURSO

Simulado Caso genitivo | Genitive case

Simulado Caso genitivo | Genitive case

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Este Simulado Caso genitivo | Genitive case foi elaborado da seguinte forma:

  • Categoria: CONCURSO
  • Instituição: Diversas
  • Cargo: Diversos
  • Matéria: Caso genitivo | Genitive case
  • Assuntos do Simulado: Diversos
  • Banca Organizadora: Diversas
  • Quantidade de Questões: 10
  • Tempo do Simulado: 30 minutos

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ConcursosAZ - Aprovando de A a Z

. Bancas Diversas
Caso genitivo | Genitive case
. Concursos Diversos
Múltipla escolha
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(1,0) 1 - 

Consider the use of apostrophe in the sentences below, then judge if they show possession (P) or omission (O) according to the context of occurrence.
( ) Young people’s language today (l.05). ( ) there’s something (l.13). ( ) Bare things poppin’ off (l.20).
The correct order of filling in the parenthesis, from the top to the bottom, is:

  • a) O – O – O.
  • b) O – P – O.
  • c) P – P – P.
  • d) P – O – P.
  • e) P – O – O.
. Bancas Diversas
Caso genitivo | Genitive case
. Concursos Diversos
Múltipla escolha
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(1,0) 2 - 

Connect the first column to the second, associating the uses of apostrophe in context to its function.
Column 1 1. To indicate an omission of letters or numbers.
2. To show possession.
Column 2 ( ) Line 06. ( ) Line 10 (1 st occurrence). ( ) Line 12. ( ) Line 15. ( ) Line 31. ( ) Line 40.
The correct order of filling in the parenthesis, from the top to the bottom, is:

  • a) 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 2 – 2.
  • b) 1 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 1.
  • c) 1 – 1 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 1.
  • d) 2 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2.
  • e) 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1.
. Bancas Diversas
Caso genitivo | Genitive case
. Concursos Diversos
Múltipla escolha
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(1,0) 3 - 

The use of the apostrophe in the following sentence from paragraph 1 “…any organization’s existence,…” indicates:

  • a) the contraction form of ‘has’.
  • b) that the organization has its existence.
  • c) the plural form of the word ‘organization’.
  • d) that the existence belongs to any organization.
  • e) the use contracted form of the verb ‘to be’.
. Bancas Diversas
Caso genitivo | Genitive case
. Concursos Diversos
Múltipla escolha
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(1,0) 4 - 

Consider the use of the apostrophe in the expressions “speakers' first language” (title) and “speaker's first language” (l.05-06):
I. In the first token, it is added to make the noun plural. II. In the second token, it indicates that there is an omission of the verb to be. III. It is wrongly used in the former, as it should have been written as in the latter.
Which ones are INCORRECT?

  • a) Only I.
  • b) Only II.
  • c) Only III.
  • d) Only I and II.
  • e) I, II and III.
. Bancas Diversas
Caso genitivo | Genitive case
. Concursos Diversos
Múltipla escolha
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(1,0) 5 - 

In which of the following sentences the ‘s is used with the same function as in the sentence “We wanted to make a song that made sense in the world and in people's lives” (l. 26-27)?

  • a) She’s got new shoes.
  • b) It’s been a long time.
  • c) It’s a dog.
  • d) Mark’s 30 today.
  • e) Sandra’s hair is great.
. Bancas Diversas
Caso genitivo | Genitive case
. Concursos Diversos
Múltipla escolha
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(1,0) 6 - 

“The current approach is bust,” said Prof Des Thompson, principal science adviser at NatureScot, Scotland’s conservation agency, which contributed to the declaration process run by the Scottish government. “What we need to do is work with local communities, local governments and local communities – that’s how we’re going to meet those targets.” (lines 9 – 12) Analyze the items below and choose the appropriate alternative:
i. Scotland’s conservation agency ii. that’s how iii. we’re

  • a) all items use verb to be
  • b) none of them use verb to be
  • c) item (i) uses verb to be but items (ii) and (iii) do not
  • d) item (ii) uses verb to be but items (i) and (iii) do not
  • e) item (i) uses the possessive case and items (ii) and (iii) use verb to be
. Bancas Diversas
Caso genitivo | Genitive case
. Concursos Diversos
Múltipla escolha
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(1,0) 7 - 

Check the correct alternative:
I- there is a compound noun in line 6. II- There is a noun suffix in line 12. III- in line 11 there is a word containing 3 morphemes. IV- in line 7 there is a word containing the genitive case.

  • a) F – T – T – F.
  • b) T – T – T – F.
  • c) T – F – F – F.
  • d) F – T – F – T.
  • e) T – F – T – T.
. Bancas Diversas
Caso genitivo | Genitive case
. Concursos Diversos
Múltipla escolha
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(1,0) 8 - 

Production bottlenecks are generally considered to be temporary blockades to increased output; they can be thrown up anywhere along the course of a production process. Some are easy to identify and to remedy, while others are devilish.
The bottleneck that is easy to cope................................. is stationary. Work-in-process inventory piles..................... quickly behind it; clearly, little is getting through. Its cause is usually also clear – a machine has broken........................ or key workers are absent or demand has simply outstripped the clear, rated capacity of a machine – and the remedy follows easily. Such bottlenecks often occur........................ service operations, causing customer waits.
More subtle are bottlenecks that shift from one part of the process to another or that have no clear cause. Inventories build up in different places and at different times. Such bottlenecks creep up on management and demand more thorough investigation. Perhaps they were detected as flaws in a product’s quality caused inadvertently by one or more workers trying to keep pace with production demands that should not have been placed on them. Or, they may be caused by missing parts. They may be caused by new product startup or changes in the mix of products through the factory. In such cases the remedies are less clear-cut, and some analysis is called for.Study the following sentence:
“Perhaps they were detected as flaws in a product’s quality caused inadvertently by one or more workers trying to keep pace with production demands that should not have been placed on them.”
1. the word ‘trying’ is being used in the sentence as a continuous verb. 2. the tense used in: ‘were detected, is the passive voice. 3. the word ‘flaws’ means ‘imperfections’. 4. in ‘product’s quality’, the (‘s) indicates possession.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct ones.

  • a) Only 4 is correct.
  • b) Only 1 and 3 are correct.
  • c) Only 2 and 3 are correct.
  • d) Only 1, 2 and 4 are correct.
  • e) Only 2, 3 and 4 are correct.
. Bancas Diversas
Caso genitivo | Genitive case
. Concursos Diversos
Múltipla escolha
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(1,0) 9 - 

Analyze the sentences according to structure and grammar use.
1. The (‘s) in “The Amazon is often called the lungs of the earth and produces 20% of the world’s oxygen.”, is the contraction for the verb to be (is).
2. In “In order to work in the park, conservationists need a reliable map. However, no map existed, and they didn’t have enough knowledge to make one on their own.”, the underlined pronouns refer to ‘conservationists’
3. The phrasal verb ‘cut down’, in the second paragraph, means to reduce the amount.
4. The negative form of “They came up with the idea of involving local tribes to help them, combining modern and ancient methods to produce a map.” is They didn’t come up with the idea of involving local tribes to help them, combining modern and ancient methods to not produce a map.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct sentences.

  • a) Only sentence 1 is correct.
  • b) Only sentences 2 and 4 are correct.
  • c) Only sentences 1 and 3 are correct.
  • d) Only sentences 1, 3 and 4 are correct.
  • e) Only sentences 1, 2 and 3 are correct
. Bancas Diversas
Caso genitivo | Genitive case
. Concursos Diversos
Múltipla escolha
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(1,0) 10 - 

In the statement from the text: ―There's a good chance that nobody might even notice the crash.‖

  • a) There´s indicate possessive case
  • b) The word notice means figure out.
  • c) Might is phrasal verb.
  • d) The word good can be replaced by well.
  • e) The word that can be removed from the sentence without losing of meaning.