Simulado Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions | CONCURSO
Simulado Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions
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Este Simulado Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions foi elaborado da seguinte forma:
- Categoria: Concurso
- Instituição:
Diversas - Cargo: Diversos
- Matéria: Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions
- Assuntos do Simulado: Diversos
- Banca Organizadora: Diversas
- Quantidade de Questões: 5
- Tempo do Simulado: 15 minutos
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Questões Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions
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- #244187
- Banca
- . Bancas Diversas
- Matéria
- Advérbios e Conjunções | Adverbs and Conjunctions
- Concurso
- . Concursos Diversos
- Tipo
- Múltipla escolha
- Comentários
- Seja o primeiro a comentar
(1,0) 1 -
Which of the words below can be used for ordering events in reports, essays and other texts?
- a) Then.
- b) Over.
- c) Never.
- d) Straight.
- e) Nevertheless.
- #244188
- Banca
- . Bancas Diversas
- Matéria
- Advérbios e Conjunções | Adverbs and Conjunctions
- Concurso
- . Concursos Diversos
- Tipo
- Múltipla escolha
- Comentários
- Seja o primeiro a comentar
(1,0) 2 -
Select the option that contains only ADVERBS:
- a) rarely – beautiful – never
- b) quietly – often –only
- c) softly – cool – yet
- d) fast – while – barely
- e) never – tall – open
- #244189
- Banca
- . Bancas Diversas
- Matéria
- Advérbios e Conjunções | Adverbs and Conjunctions
- Concurso
- . Concursos Diversos
- Tipo
- Múltipla escolha
- Comentários
- Seja o primeiro a comentar
(1,0) 3 -
Considering the grammar subject “adverbs”, choose the alternative that presents a sentence written according to the standard grammar rules.
- a) Teachers themselves never should stop learning.
- b) We now are expecting a new edition of this book.
- c) My tutor can read very fast.
- d) Some people don’t know still how to use modal verbs.
- e) Those students spoke perfectly English.
- #244190
- Banca
- . Bancas Diversas
- Matéria
- Advérbios e Conjunções | Adverbs and Conjunctions
- Concurso
- . Concursos Diversos
- Tipo
- Múltipla escolha
- Comentários
- Seja o primeiro a comentar
(1,0) 4 -
Read the fragment below.
I- Every language requires a different repertoire of reading skills, based on the structure of the language and the literacy habits of the native speakers of that language;
II- ESL and EFL teachers, therefore, should train students in the skills that will give them the power to comprehend in English. (…) learning a new thinking process is best accomplished when the learner is consciously aware of the process, and an approach to teaching reading skills should take that into account;
III- In fact, the more students talk about their thinking processes, the more they learn. (Mikulecky, Beatrice S.)
Thinking on reading skills, analyze the context above and choose the correct option.
- a) The item I, only.
- b) The items I and II, only.
- c) The item II, only.
- d) The items II and III, only.
- e) The items I, II and III.
- #244191
- Banca
- . Bancas Diversas
- Matéria
- Advérbios e Conjunções | Adverbs and Conjunctions
- Concurso
- . Concursos Diversos
- Tipo
- Múltipla escolha
- Comentários
- Seja o primeiro a comentar
(1,0) 5 -
In order to reflect the process of learning, choose the option that is not how a student should apply his/her reading skills.
- a) ''Develop a schema of the reading process that includes the idea that reading is more than translating - reading is thinking.”
- b) “Talk about their reading and explain how they make sense of a text.”
- c) ''Read extensively for pleasure in English and discuss their reading with someone who can model the literate behaviors expected in an English-language context.”
- d) “Keep reading every word in spite of reading faster.”
- e) “Learn to vary their reading rate to suit their purpose in reading.”