
Simulado Adjetivos | Adjectives | CONCURSO

Simulado Adjetivos | Adjectives

Simulado Adjetivos | Adjectives

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Este Simulado Adjetivos | Adjectives foi elaborado da seguinte forma:

  • Categoria: CONCURSO
  • Instituição: Diversas
  • Cargo: Diversos
  • Matéria: Adjetivos | Adjectives
  • Assuntos do Simulado: Diversos
  • Banca Organizadora: Diversas
  • Quantidade de Questões: 10
  • Tempo do Simulado: 30 minutos

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Questões Adjetivos | Adjectives

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. Bancas Diversas
Adjetivos | Adjectives
. Concursos Diversos
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(1,0) 1 - 

The following sentence from the text has three hyphenated compound words, “These could be comprehensionchecking tasks or note-taking tasks, or you could establish forums to enable peer interaction around the content. Asking students to create something, like a role-play or short piece of writing, can be a great way for students to show what they have understood.”
Considering the underlined words, they are classified as, respectively,

  • a) a noun, a noun, an adjective.
  • b) an adjective, a noun, a noun.
  • c) a noun, an adjective, a noun.
  • d) a noun, a noun, a noun.
  • e) an adjective, an adjective, a noun.
. Bancas Diversas
Adjetivos | Adjectives
. Concursos Diversos
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(1,0) 2 - 

Read the following text:
“In Japan, they call themmanga’; in Latin America, ‘histotietas’; in Italy, ‘fumetti’; in Brazil, ‘história em quadrinhos’; and in the U.S., ‘comics’.”; ” All of Mexico’s comic titles together.

The words in bold are respectively:

  • a) possessive pronoun • personal pronoun • conjunction • possessive
  • b) object pronoun • subject pronoun • adverb • verb to be
  • c) subject pronoun • possessive adjective • preposition • possessive case
  • d) possessive pronoun • personal pronoun • conjunction • verb to be
  • e) subject pronoun • object pronoun • preposition • genitive case
. Bancas Diversas
Adjetivos | Adjectives
. Concursos Diversos
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(1,0) 3 - 

Adjectives are one of the four major word classes, along with nouns, verbs and adverbs. They give us more information about people, animals or things represented by nouns and pronouns. When more than one adjective comes before a noun, the adjectives are normally in a particular order. Adjectives which describe opinions or attitudes usually come first, before more neutral, factual ones. There is incorrect use of the adjective order in the sentence of the letter:

  • a) It was made of a strange, green, metallic material.
  • b) It’s a long, narrow, plastic brush.
  • c) Panettone is a Christmas, Italian, round bread-like cake.
  • d) She was a beautiful, tall, thin, young, black-haired, Scottish woman.
  • e) What an amazing, little, old, Chinese cup and saucer!
. Bancas Diversas
Adjetivos | Adjectives
. Concursos Diversos
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(1,0) 4 - 

Adjectives are one of the four major word classes, along with nouns, verbs and adverbs. They give us more information about people, animals or things represented by nouns and pronouns. When more than one adjective comes before a noun, the adjectives are normally in a particular order. Adjectives which describe opinions or attitudes usually come first, before more neutral, factual ones.
There is incorrect use of the adjective order in the sentence of the letter:

  • a) It was made of a strange, green, metallic material.
  • b) It’s a long, narrow, plastic brush.
  • c) Panettone is a Christmas, Italian, round bread-like cake.
  • d) She was a beautiful, tall, thin, young, black-haired, Scottish woman.
  • e) What an amazing, little, old, Chinese cup and saucer!
. Bancas Diversas
Adjetivos | Adjectives
. Concursos Diversos
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(1,0) 5 - 

Mark the alternative with the incorrect adjective:

  • a) The movie was so bored that I stopped seeing it.
  • b) I am worried about his health conditions.
  • c) The way she resolved the problem was absolutely astonishing.
  • d) Jane was frightened while she listened to the story.
  • e) Julia?s job is boring.
. Bancas Diversas
Adjetivos | Adjectives
. Concursos Diversos
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(1,0) 6 - 

The athlete from Kenya won the medal. He was ...... runner in the competition.

  • a) the faster
  • b) the quicker
  • c) the fastest
  • d) quickest
  • e) faster than
. Bancas Diversas
Adjetivos | Adjectives
. Concursos Diversos
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(1,0) 7 - 

They are three young sisters, two of them are twins. Carla is as old as Catherine; Lisa is ......

  • a) older than Carla and younger than Catherine.
  • b) the eldest.
  • c) the younger.
  • d) oldest than the others.
  • e) youngest than Carla.
. Bancas Diversas
Adjetivos | Adjectives
. Concursos Diversos
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(1,0) 8 - 

Considerthe following sentences.
Choose the one which has an adjective in the comparative form.

  • a) There are even special pillows for sale that fit over the arms of the chairs to make sleeping in class more comfortable. (3rd paragraph)
  • b) However, the biggest challenge for the government is the hagwons. (5th paragraph)
  • c) Only the students with the best grades get a place. (2nd paragraph)
  • d) ... and the most popular ones make millions of dollars a year from online and in-person classes. (2nd paragraph)
  • e) The students with the worst grades do not manage to get a place in one of Seoul's top universities.
. Bancas Diversas
Adjetivos | Adjectives
. Concursos Diversos
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(1,0) 9 - 

Bananas are ______ than apples and ______ too.

  • a) more healthful; more cheap
  • b) more healthful; cheaper
  • c) healthfuler; cheaper
  • d) healthfuler; more cheap
  • e) more healthful; the cheapest
. Bancas Diversas
Adjetivos | Adjectives
. Concursos Diversos
Múltipla escolha
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(1,0) 10 - 

The world has changed a lot since the last decades of the 19th century: with the invention of the automobile, place have become closer and man has traveled farther.
In the 20th century, automobiles brought deep changes to the cities. Cars crowded the streets and took the place of the old carriages.
The 50’s and the 60’s represented the greatest days of the automobile. But an oil crisis occurred during the 70’s. Gasoline became more expensive. Large automobile companies worried about it and began to work on the ‘car of the future’.
Cars in the future will be more economical, lighter, and smaller than they are today. They will use different forms of energy: electric, solar, and many others. These new forms of energy will cause less pollution than gasoline and will be cheaper.
Analyze the sentences according to grammar use.
… place have become closer and man has traveled farther. Gasoline became more expensive. Cars in the future will be more economical, lighter, and smaller than they are today.
Choose the alternative that contains the correct grammar classification for the underlined words.

  • a) comparative of superiority.
  • b) comparative of inferiority.
  • c) comparative of equality.
  • d) superlative if inferiority.
  • e) superlative of superiority.