Questões de Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions para Concursos Diversos | CONCURSO
Aprimorar os conhecimentos adquiridos durante os seus estudos, de forma a avaliar a sua aprendizagem, utilizando para isso as metodologias e critérios idênticos ao exame da Assunto Concursos, através de simulados para Assunto Concursos, provas e questões da Assunto Concursos.
Alunos/Concursando que almejam sua aprovação em concursos que cobram a matéria de Inglês Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions.
Este simulado contém questões da Concursos Diversos que foi organizado pela Bancas Diversas. Estas questões são de Inglês, contendo o assunto de Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions que foram extraídas de concursos anteriores, portanto este simulado contém os gabaritos oficiais.
O Questões de Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions para Concursos Diversos contém um total de 20 questões da Assunto Concursos com um tempo estimado de 60 minutos para sua realização. Os assuntos abordados são de Inglês, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions para que você possa realmente simular como estão seus conhecimento nestas matérias.
Realize este simulado até o seu final e ao conclui-lo você verá as questões que errou e acertou, seus possíveis comentários e ainda poderá ver seu DESEMPENHO perante ao dos seus CONCORRENTES na matéria de Inglês - Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions. Venha participar deste Ranking e saia na frente de todos. Veja sua nota e sua colocação no RANKING e saiba se esta preparado para conseguir sua aprovação.
Este simulado contém questões para o cargo de Cargos Diversos. Se você esta estudando para ser aprovado para Cargos Diversos não deixe de realizar este simulado e outros disponíveis no portal.
COMO REALIZAR O Questões de Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions para Concursos Diversos
Para realizar este o simulado você deverá realizar seu cadastro grátis e depois escolher as alternativas que julgar correta. No final do simulado de Questões de Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions para Concursos Diversos você verá as questões que errou e acertou.
Bons Estudos! Simulado para Concursos Diversos é aqui!
- #140550
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- . Bancas Diversas
- Matéria
- Advérbios e Conjunções | Adverbs and Conjunctions
- Concurso
- . Concursos Diversos
- Tipo
- Certo/Errado
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(1,0) 16 -
Based on the text, judge the following items.
even if” (line 7) can be replaced by even though without affecting the meaning of the sentence.
- #140551
- Banca
- . Bancas Diversas
- Matéria
- Advérbios e Conjunções | Adverbs and Conjunctions
- Concurso
- . Concursos Diversos
- Tipo
- Certo/Errado
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(1,0) 17 -
Internet: <> (adapted).
Judge the following item, according to the text.
The conjunction “but” (L.5) expresses the idea of contrast.
- #140552
- Banca
- . Bancas Diversas
- Matéria
- Advérbios e Conjunções | Adverbs and Conjunctions
- Concurso
- . Concursos Diversos
- Tipo
- Certo/Errado
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(1,0) 18 -
1 Climate change is a defining issue of our time, a challenge that already affects and will increasingly impact all nations, including some whose very survival is at risk. The
4 complexity of the problem is intrinsically linked with overarching societal issues, such as poverty reduction, economic development and population growth
7 After a decade of work on integrating Earth- and satellite-based observing networks, thereby establishing new observation methods that have made a tremendous impact on
10 the way climate change and physical oceanic variability is measured, scientists are once again exploring uncharted waters and looking to set a new course for the future at the
13 OceanObs'09 Conference in Venice, Italy on September 21-25. Ten years ago — at the first conference for a comprehensive ocean observing system — scientists envisioned measuring
16 satellite altimetry of sea-surface height with tide gauges and buoy measurements in order to forecast ocean currents. They brainstormed methods for monitoring changes in temperature
19 and salinity in the Southern Ocean and the South Atlantic which had never been systematically monitored. They also drew up a plan for implementing a global array of temperature
22 and salinity floats that would profile the water column down to a depth of 2,000 meters in real time. The initiatives launched at that conference a decade ago have since provided data that
25 fed the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessments of human influence on climate change, improved seasonal forecasts crucial for agriculture, hydropower, and
28 storm prediction and provided information invaluable to the lives and safety of mariners. Internet: (adapted).
The adverb “thereby" (L.8) is synonymous with because of that.
- #140553
- Banca
- . Bancas Diversas
- Matéria
- Advérbios e Conjunções | Adverbs and Conjunctions
- Concurso
- . Concursos Diversos
- Tipo
- Certo/Errado
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(1,0) 19 -
1 As the evidence and knowledge of the physical effects of climate change continue to grow, the world is starting to dissect how those physical changes (e.g. water scarcity, sea-
4 level rise, increased temperatures), both current and predicted, will intersect with society and economies and the potentially significant environmental and human impacts that will result.
7 Of emerging interest are the potential impacts of climate change on the enjoyment of human rights and wellbeing. Weather and environmental degradation have, as one of
10 multiple stressors, threatened lives and livelihoods throughout history, but what makes this interaction more relevant today is the growing evidence that greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions
13 have contributed and will continue to contribute to long-term or permanent changes to our ecosystems and landscapes and will increase the frequency and severity of extreme events. This
16 amplifies existing social risks and vulnerabilities and will therefore increase the pressures faced by many disadvantaged individuals and populations in Canada and abroad.
19 On January 15 2009, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) released a study on climate change and human rights in response to UN
22 Resolution 7/23 in which signatories expressed concern “that climate change poses an immediate and far-reaching threat to people and communities around the world and has implications
25 for the full enjoyment of human rights.” Internet: (adapted)
The conjunction “therefore" (L.17) expresses an idea of consequence.
- #140554
- Banca
- . Bancas Diversas
- Matéria
- Advérbios e Conjunções | Adverbs and Conjunctions
- Concurso
- . Concursos Diversos
- Tipo
- Certo/Errado
- Comentários
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(1,0) 20 -
Internet: <coursel> (adapted).
Judge the following item, according to the text.
The word “perhaps” (L.31) is synonymous with maybe.