Mark the alternative that best completes the sentence.
“Beyoncé said she didn't _______ the warning.”
Find the alternative that shows a present perfect tense.
If we rewrite the sentence below in the Present Continuous we’ll have:
“Fergie bought new shoes.”
According to the Present Perfect structure, mark the most suitable alternative to the blank below.“That girls _________ on a diet since last month.”
Mark the sequence to the dialog below.
“– Carlos wouldn’t take the car.
– ____________.”
Mark the alternative that best completes the blank.
“The Kardashiars __ waiting for you.”
Find the alternative that completes the blanks.
“Kylie ____ classical music, her friends ______.”
Choose an alternative to complete the sentence.
“Hiking ________ me to feel better.”
Mark an alternative to complete the sentence.
“Elephants _____ supposed to stay in the forest.”
Find an alternative to complete the blank.
“Zoey ____ helping Drake with his homework.”
Find the incorrect alternative.
Mark the incorrect sentence.
Choose the correct alternative.
Complete the blank with an alternative.
“I can’t believe he’s telling the truth, actually I think he ________it all _____.”
Find the best alternative to complete the blank.
“– Hi, I’d like to talk to Mr. Francis - _________ just a minute, I’ll check if he’s still here.”
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