Julie has got _____ very nice _____ in her house. Assinale a alternativa que preencha correta e respectivamente as lacunas.
Complete the sentences below with the appropriate word and choose the best alternative:
_____ Paris Hotel is ___ the corner ____ Avenida Paulista and ___ Rua Augusta. I was there and I go for a walk when I stopped ___ ask ___informations about ___ pizzeria and I knew about ____ very good one ____ the same street.
Observe as sentenças abaixo:
I - My father always was an honest man.
II - He built a hospital downtown.
III - Today, his hospital is also a university
Assinale a alternativa correta:
Put a, an or some where necessary and choose the correct alternative.I’ve seen __________ good films recently. What’s wrong with you? Have you got _________ headache. _________ birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly. I don’t feel very well this morning. I’ve got _______ sore throat.
Neil Armstrong se tornou o primeiro homem a pisar na Lua em 20 de julho de 1969. Na ocasião, estima-se que 500 milhões de pessoas assistiam e ouviam quando ele disse a famosa frase: “That’s one small step for ___ man, one giant leap for mankind.”Assinale a alternativa que, correta e gramaticalmente, completa a frase dita por Armstrong.
Articles frequently accompany nouns. Choose the alternative that presents a general and a specific article, respectively.
Choose the best option to complete the dialog below.
A: Have you heard about the accident involving ____ NATO official?
B: No. What happened?
A: I heard on ____ FM station that he was shot in his leg by a friend.
B: That’s sad!
A: Yeah! It all happened in ____ European headquarter.
Das alternativas abaixo, qual a única que admite a utilização do artigo indefinido "an".
Analyze the sentences below.
I. Could I have a rice instead of potatoes with my fish?
II. That’s an amazing bit of news.
III. Could I have a liter of milk, please?
Observing the articles, “a” and “an”, indicate the correct alternative:
Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
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