Assinale o trecho em que a transcrição do texto adaptado de Conjuntura Econômica, de setembro de 2010, vol. 64, n. 9, desrespeita as regras gramaticais no uso das estruturas linguísticas.
O sistema financeiro nacional engloba instituições cujas operações sejam caracterizadas por:
A importância da disciplina do mercado de capitais para o desenvolvimento econômico:
A competência da CVM no mercado de derivativos se faz:
A autorregulação, no mercado financeiro, significa:
A exigência, em certos casos, da participação de corretores para a operação em mercados de valores mobiliários permite:
Mercados de bolsa e balcão são espécies de estruturas de negociação de valores mobiliários em que:
A aplicação de recursos provenientes do exterior, no mercado financeiro brasileiro:
A globalização dos mercados financeiros facilita:
A lavagem de dinheiro é configurada quando:
Read the text below entitled “10 Ways to Protect Your Privacy Online" in order to answer question:10 Ways to Protect Your Privacy OnlineSource: www.newsweek.com (Adapted) Oct, 22nd 2010 Up to a couple of years ago, I used to say that the average person could protect his or her privacy on the Web. Even as the founder of an online reputation-management company, I believed it was possible – so long as you were willing to commit some time doing it. Today, I tell people this: the landscape of personal data mining and exploitation is shifting faster than ever; trying to protect your online privacy is like trying to build your own antivirus software – really, really difficult. But whether or not you have the time (or money) to invest in the pros, there are a few simple steps we can all take to reduce the risk to our private data.1. Do not put your full birth date on your social-networking profiles.Identity thieves use birth dates as cornerstones of their craft. If you want your friends to know your birthday, try just the month and day, and leave out the year.2. Use multiple usernames and passwords.Keep your usernames and passwords for social networks, online banking, e-mail, and online shopping all separate. Having distinct passwords is not enough nowadays: if you have the same username across different Web sites, your entire life can be mapped and re-created with simple algorithms.3. Shred. If you are going to throw away credit-card offers, bank statements, or anything else that might come in hard copy to your house, rip them up into tiny bits first.According to the author, usernames and passwords
Read the text below entitled “10 Ways to Protect Your Privacy Online" in order to answer question:10 Ways to Protect Your Privacy OnlineSource: www.newsweek.com (Adapted) Oct, 22nd 2010 Up to a couple of years ago, I used to say that the average person could protect his or her privacy on the Web. Even as the founder of an online reputation-management company, I believed it was possible – so long as you were willing to commit some time doing it. Today, I tell people this: the landscape of personal data mining and exploitation is shifting faster than ever; trying to protect your online privacy is like trying to build your own antivirus software – really, really difficult. But whether or not you have the time (or money) to invest in the pros, there are a few simple steps we can all take to reduce the risk to our private data.1. Do not put your full birth date on your social-networking profiles.Identity thieves use birth dates as cornerstones of their craft. If you want your friends to know your birthday, try just the month and day, and leave out the year.2. Use multiple usernames and passwords.Keep your usernames and passwords for social networks, online banking, e-mail, and online shopping all separate. Having distinct passwords is not enough nowadays: if you have the same username across different Web sites, your entire life can be mapped and re-created with simple algorithms.3. Shred. If you are going to throw away credit-card offers, bank statements, or anything else that might come in hard copy to your house, rip them up into tiny bits first.According to the author, when throwing away credit card offers or bank statements, one should
Se necessário utilize a tabela abaixo.
Um investidor fez uma aplicação em um título com rentabilidade pós-fixada por um prazo de três meses a uma taxa de juros simples de 18% ao ano. O índice de correção a ser aplicado ao montante passou de 80, no início, a 83,2, no fim do prazo. Qual o valor mais próximo da rentabilidade total do título nesse prazo?
Qual o valor mais próximo da taxa equivalente à taxa nominal de 24% ao ano com capitalização mensal?
Pretende-se trocar uma série de oito pagamentos mensais iguais de R$ 1.000,00, vencendo o primeiro pagamento ao fim de um mês, por outra série equivalente de doze pagamentos iguais, vencendo o primeiro pagamento também ao fim de um mês. Calcule o valor mais próximo do pagamento da segunda série considerando a taxa de juros compostos de 2% ao mês.
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