Mark the alternative that completes the blanks.
“Nicki _____ already _____ the truth when you saw her at the meeting.”
Mark the alternative that best completes the sentence.
“Beyoncé said she didn't _______ the warning.”
Find the alternative that shows a present perfect tense.
If we rewrite the sentence below in the Present Continuous we’ll have:
“Fergie bought new shoes.”
Find the alternative that best completes the blank.
“– How much weight could she lose with that diet?
– She lost _____.”
Find the best translation to the sentence.
“My nephew always puts his toys away after playing.”
Choose the alternative that shows only words related to the sea.
Find the best answer to the following question.
“What does Ciara look like?”
According to the Present Perfect structure, mark the most suitable alternative to the blank below.“That girls _________ on a diet since last month.”
Mark the sequence to the dialog below.
“– Carlos wouldn’t take the car.
– ____________.”
Assinale a alternativa correta.
Assinale a alternativa falsa.
Analise as afirmações a seguir e, em seguida, indique a correta.
Todas as assertivas a seguir são corretas, exceto uma. Indique-a.
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