Assinale a alternativa que apresenta uma Oração Subordinada Adjetiva Restritiva.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta uma figura de linguagem denominada de: Aliteração.
Leia.“Um jornal da cidade trouxe uma notícia relevante.”O termo destacado classifica-se, sintaticamente, em
Leia a seguir.
“Laura era tão prestativa que todos a adoravam.”
A oração destacada classifica-se como Oração Subordinada
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta uma figura de linguagem denominada de: Metáfora.
Find the alternative that best completes the blank.“My cousin and I never _______ very well, we fight like cats and dogs.”
If we rewrite the sentence below in the Simple Future we’ll have:
“According to Natasha, she has to move to a new house.”
Choose the best answer to the question below.
“Did Andrea bring home the new magazines or that old ones?”
Mark the alternative with the suitable tag question to the sentence below.
“Your rat drinks milk everyday, _______?”
Find the best sequence to the following dialog.
“What would you rather do this afternoon?”
Read the sentence and answer.
“Amanda was going to work.”
We can assume that
Find the alternative that best completes the blank.
“Miley dreams about ______ a doctor.”
Read the following statement and choose the correct alternative.“Britney used to buy socks everyday when she was a teen.”We can say that:
Mark the most appropriate alternative to answer the following question.“How many times a year does she come here?”
Choose the alternative that completes the blank.
“– _______ he moved to Atlanta?
– He found a better job there.”
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